


Benjamin Creme Bibliography


* Unity in Diversity: The Way Ahead for Humanity, 2012 

* The Gathering of the Forces of Light, 2010 

* The Awakening of Humanity. Share International Foundation, 2008. 

* The World Teacher for All Humanity. Share International Foundation, 2007. 

* The Art of Living: Living within the Laws of Life. Share International Foundation, 2006. 

* Maitreya's Teachings - The Laws of Life. Share International Foundation, 2005. 

* The Art of Co-Operation. Share International Foundation, 2002. 

* The Great Approach: New Light and Life for Humanity. Share International Foundation, 2001. 

* The Ageless Wisdom Teaching: An introduction to humanity's spiritual legacy.

Share International Foundation, 1996. 

* Maitreya's Mission. 3 vols. Share International Foundation, 1986, 1993, 1997. 

* A Master Speaks. Share International Foundation, 1985. 

* Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age. Tara Center, 1983. 

* Messages from Maitreya the Christ. (Share International Foundation), 1981, 1986. 


* The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom. Tara Press, 1980.




The Reappearance of the Christ
and the Masters of Wisdom (1978)

Transmission – A Meditation
for the New Age (1983)


Maitreya’s Mission,
Volume One (1986)

Maitreya’s Mission,
Volume Two (1993)


The Ageless Wisdom Teaching -
An introduction to humanity’s
spiritual legacy (1995)

Maitreya’s Mission,
Volume Three (1997)


The Great Approach -
New Light and Life
for Humanity (2001)

The Art of Co-operation (2002)

The Art of Living -
Living within the Laws
of Life (2006)

The World Teacher for
All Humanity (2007)


The Awakening of Humanity (2008)


The Gathering of the Forces
of Light - UFOs and their
Spiritual Mission (2010)

Messages from Maitreya
the Christ - One Hundred
Forty Messages (1980)

A Master speaks -Articles from Share 

International magazine (1986)

Maitreya’s Teachings –
The Laws of Life (2005)

Unity in Diversity: The Way Ahead for Humanity (2012)






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