

Annie Besant Bibliography


* The Political Status of Women (1874) 
* The Law Of Population (1877) 
* My Path to Atheism (1877) 
* Marriage, As It Was, As It Is, And As It Should Be: A Plea For Reform (1878) 
* Autobiographical Sketches (1885) 
* "Why I became a Theosophist" (1889) 
* An Autobiography (1893) 
* The Ancient Wisdom (1898) 
* Annie Besant by Annie Wood Besant at Project Gutenberg (1893) 
* Thought Forms (1901) 
 * Bhagavad Gita (translation) (1904) (with Bhagavan Das) 
* Introduction to Yoga (1908) 
* Australian Lectures (1908) 
* Occult Chemistry (with Leadbeater) (1919) 
* The Doctrine of the Heart (1920) 
* Esoteric Christianity 
* The Future of Indian Politics (booklet), Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, 1922 
* The Case for India by Annie Wood Besant at Project Gutenberg The Presidential Address

Delivered by Annie Besant at the Thirty-Second Indian National Congress Held at Calcutta

26 December 1917 

* Besant, Annie. The Devachanic Plane. Theosophical Publishing House, London, ca 1895. 
* Besant, Annie. Man and his bodies. Theosophical Publishing House, London, 1911. 
* Besant, Annie. Man's life in this and other worlds. Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, 1913. 
* Besant, Annie. Study in Consciousness - A contribution to the science of psychology.

Theosophical Publishing House, Madras, ca 1907. 

* Beasant,Annie and Blavatsky, H P - "Memory and Its Nature", Theosophical Publishing House,

Madras, ca 1935.


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